For Buyers
Finances, Finances, Finances
Before you can start shopping for a home or other type of property, you may have to do a little work to get yourself ready financially. If you will require financing to complete a purchase, begin your buying process by checking your credit report and credit score for accuracy and you will be able to start off on a solid financial foundation. It is also important to request a pre-approval or pre-qualification letter from a lender, as most sellers require these letters when an offer is submitted. Even cash buyers will need to have a "proof of funds" letter from their financial source. This will save considerable time when your offer is submitted and hopefully accepted.
It’s Ok to Dream
When you are trying to find a home or property that is just right for you and your family, it’s a good idea to prepare a list of your needs, wants, and don’t-wants. Yes, an open mind is helpful when shopping for a home or property, but you shouldn't need to compromise on the things you truly care about. Prioritize your top 3 “must-have” qualities in a home or location, your top 3 “would like to have” qualities, and your top 3 “we absolutely don’t want” items, and take the list with you when you start hunting for your new home or property. With our assistance you should be able to quickly eliminate those homes or properties that don’t fit your needs, and also be able to spot the homes or properties that deserve greater attention. Our ability to search specific parameters in the Multiple Listing Service help make the job a snap, and we can notify you when a new home comes on the market that meets your needs.